Introduction to Floriculture edito da LARSEN & KELLER EDUCATION
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Introduction to Floriculture





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Descrizione Introduction to Floriculture

Floriculture is a branch of horticulture that is concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants. Crops of interest in floriculture include bedding plants, houseplants, flowering garden plants, pot plants, etc. Flowering plants are mostly sold in pots for decoration in homes. Some of the common breeds of flowering plants are poinsettias, orchids, chrysanthemums, azaleas, etc. Cut flowers are sold as bouquets. Farming of flowers and foliage employs special techniques of floriculture, such as spacing, training and pruning for optimal flower harvest, as well as chemical treatments for storage, preservation and packaging after harvest. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of floriculture, which will be crucial for the holistic understanding of the subject matter. The topics included in this textbook are of the utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

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