Introduction to Compilers and Language Design di Mahesh Kumar N. B. edito da
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Introduction to Compilers and Language Design






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Descrizione Introduction to Compilers and Language Design

Welcome to "Introduction to Compilers and Language Design." This book is a comprehensive journey into the fascinating world of compiler construction and the art of designing programming languages. Whether you are a seasoned software engineer looking to deepen your understanding of how compilers work or a budding programmer eager to explore the intricate process of creating your own programming language, this text is designed to be your guiding light. In these pages, we will embark on an exploration of the inner workings of compilers, from lexical analysis to code generation, delving into the theories, algorithms, and practical implementation techniques that power the software responsible for translating human-readable code into machine-executable instructions. Additionally, we will delve into the intricacies of language design, examining the principles that underpin the creation of expressive, efficient, and user-friendly programming languages. Whether your goal is to become a compiler expert or simply gain a deeper appreciation for the magic that happens behind the scenes when you write code, "Introduction to Compilers and Language Design" is your passport to this captivating realm of computer science.

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