Intraoperative Flow Cytometry edito da Springer International Publishing
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Intraoperative Flow Cytometry





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Descrizione Intraoperative Flow Cytometry

This book describes intraoperative flow cytometry in solid tumours. Intraoperative flow cytometry is an innovative technique for assessing tumour margins and grade of malignancy intraoperatively. The authors have been working on this procedure for more than 14 years and have introduced it in the surgery of intracranial tumours, breast cancer, liver cancer and head and neck neoplasms, as described in the book. A detailed description of the main pathological findings will be followed by an explanation of the intraoperative flow cytometry¿s role. In each chapter, information will be provided to stimulate further research on this topic. The book will also include new topics that have not been published till now. The book is aimed at neurosurgeons, general surgeons, ENT specialists, breast surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, oncologists, biologists, biochemists and scientists working with on flow cytometry.

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