Into Neon: A Cyberpunk Saga di Matthew a. Goodwin edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Into Neon: A Cyberpunk Saga

A Cyberpunk Saga





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Descrizione Into Neon: A Cyberpunk Saga

When a corporate lackey has the rug pulled out from under his illusions, will his hidden fire flicker or ignite a rebellion? Orphaned and alone, Moss is happy to have found a place in the world. But his humdrum working routines take a terrifying turn when a mysterious woman breaks into his apartment and hands him a data chip from his dead parents. Suddenly hearing messages revealing his benevolent employer has a far darker side, he braves the dangerous megacity streets in search of the truth. Surrounded by outcasts and criminals and running on instinct, Moss stumbles onto a rebel group intent on exposing their corrupt oppressors. And though he fears for his life when his old boss has put a price on his head, the naïve man believes the key to taking down the enemy may lie inside the high-tech device... and his own cerebral cortex. Will Moss's attempt to fight the power cause him to terminally short circuit? Into Neon is the electrode-laden first book in A Cyberpunk Saga science fiction series. If you like everyman heroes, futuristic tech, and immersive dystopian worlds, then you'll love Matthew A. Goodwin's mind-expanding epic. Buy Into Neon to hack the system today!

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