Into the Lion's Den: A True Story set in 1820 Africa di Angela D'Egville edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Into the Lion's Den: A True Story set in 1820 Africa





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Descrizione Into the Lion's Den: A True Story set in 1820 Africa

What drives thousands of British immigrants to trade their opulent lives in Regency England for the untamed shores of a wild Africa? This was the question that sparked UK-based author, Angela D'Egville, to delve deeply into her family's past with this gripping, fact-based historical novel nearly two centuries after their arrival on southern African shores. Into the Lion's Den follows the story of dashing Irish jeweller, Samson O'Malia Daniel, and the stunning Amelia Margarith d'Egville from the famous French dancing family of the Drury Lane Theater in London, and how they make their way to Africa as unwitting pawns in a bloody political struggle.Follow the lives and times of the British immigrants who set sail for Africa aboard the Sir Osborne in 1820 from the perspective of Samson, Amelia, and their four young children.Along with around four thousand other British immigrants, the young couple forge their way under harsh conditions as Britain and the indigenous Xhosa people fought for both land and power. A lifelong romance, the story highlights the raw realities the British experienced as they settled in the Eastern Cape of southern Africa in this story of courage, tenacity, and sheer determination. Into the Lion's Den promises the reader an intimate look into the love, passion, hardship, heartbreak, tribulation, betrayal, and triumph experienced by the British subjects who arrived on South African shores in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones. A must-read for any lover of historical fiction. Grab your copy today!

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