Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur'an di Sheikho Mohammad Amin, Mohammad Amin Sheikho edito da
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Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur'an






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Descrizione Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur'an

In Am'ma Part there is a reference to sensible and material cosmic miracles to be deeply contemplated with clear thinking so that they may become passages that lead those who seek to recognize the Grand God to get a link with their Provider. If they continue this contemplation until they perceive the greatness of these miracles they will be able to perceive the Majesty of He who perfectly created them; and then their spirit, having submitted before the making and magnified it, will turn to submit and magnify the Maker. At this point they will move from witnessing by physical eye to witnessing by heart and spirit and thus His Light (glory to Him) will flow into the spirits of those who aspire to see Him, allowing them to realize His Magnificence. This is a spiritual witnessing before which a spirit bows and to which it returns in every bowing of every prayer, and in this way our prayer to God and our communication with Him become real not only formal ones.

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