Internet Technology: With the OSI model di Martin Särnberger edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Internet Technology: With the OSI model

With the OSI model





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Descrizione Internet Technology: With the OSI model

This book contains a simple description of how modern networks and the Internet and are structured and how they work. It is primarily intended as an introduction for people who are interested in technology, such as help desk staff who want to expand their knowledge in the field.It is also very helpful for people who have other reasons for understanding this technology, such as management teams, owners or salespeople. Even ordinary users benefit greatly from gaining some understanding of the Internet and its infrastructure, which this book conveys in a clear and simple manner.The author, who was involved in constructing the Internet as early as the 1980s, has extensive experience in the design and maintenance of networks for major operators as well as organizations and companies of various sizes. This book is perfect if you want to understand what happens with the content you send out on the network and Internet and how it works with the different technologies. It is not really necessary to have any prior knowledge of the subject to comprehend the information in this book.

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