International Tourism di Yvette Reisinger, Frederic (SKEMA Business School Dimanche edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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International Tourism

Cultures and Behavior





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This exciting new text is the first to focus on cross-cultural differences in tourist behavior and draws upon the evidence from the broad past and current literature to explain the influence of cultural differences on the present and future international tourist. An examination of cultural characteristics and differences is extremely important to the tourism student because of the international nature of tourism environment. Advances in technology and improved communication and transportation have enhanced peoples' mobility and travel such that exposure to and interaction with different cultures is now commonplace. It is imperative for industry representatives, who operate in the international business environment and deal with foreign tourists on a daily basis, to understand the influence of national cultures of their customers. This book brings these concepts to the undergraduate student in tourism, as well as students in the related fields of marketing, management, international business, and cross-cultural communication. Designed as a textbook, it is organized and presented in an integrated and relevant way for the benefit of a global audience.

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