International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918 1939 di Paul Weindling edito da Cambridge University Press
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International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918 1939





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Descrizione International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918 1939

This is a collection of original studies on the new international health and welfare organisations between the First and the Second World Wars. The diversity of such organisations and their many-sided activities make this a rich and complex area of historical investigation which has direct relevance to current issues in international health. Multilateral organisations such as the League of Nations and a variety of types of non-governmental organisations are discussed. The role of scientific and professional factors, as well as the priorities of women's employment, eugenics and pronatalism are also considered. Together, the various chapters present a cohesive and integrated view of a hitherto neglected area of study. The book also complements comparative studies of welfare states by emphasising the importance of international interactions between expert groups in a broader political and social context.

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