Interdisciplinary Aspects Of Information Systems Studies edito da Springer-verlag Berlin And Heidelberg Gmbh & Co. Kg
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Interdisciplinary Aspects Of Information Systems Studies

The Italian Association For Information Systems





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Chapters of this book offer a careful selection of the best contributions to the Italian Association for Information Systems (ItAIS) Annual Conference, that took place in Venice, San Servolo Island, in October 2007. The main goal of this book is to disseminate academic knowledge, both theoretical and pragmatic, in the information systems community. Recognizing the relevance of many different disciplines, the book takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject of information systems, thus providing a comprehensive and current coverage of this important area. ItAIS (http: // is the Italian chapter of the Association for Information Systems (http: // It was established in 2003 and has since been promoting the exchange of ideas, experience and knowledge among both academics and professionals committed to the development, management, organization and use of information systems.

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