Interaction Between the Process Used to Introduce Change and the Personality of Organizational Members: An International di Terry W. Riddle edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Interaction Between the Process Used to Introduce Change and the Personality of Organizational Members: An International

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Descrizione Interaction Between the Process Used to Introduce Change and the Personality of Organizational Members: An International

Organizations introduce change to strengthen organizational performance and improve effectiveness. Drawing from literature in the areas of organizational change and personality characteristics, this study seeks to uncover the influence personality has on an individual's readiness forchange. Data were utilized from two previous studies that sampled both an American organization and a Korean organization. The administered questionnaires captured data pertaining to the individual'sperceptions of the change process, their personality attributes, and their readiness for change. Using astatistical method known as moderated multiple regression, this study examined whether personality moderates the impact the change process has on an individual's readiness for change. While the results ofthis study where not conclusive, evidence was uncovered indicating there are meaningful relationships between the process used to induce change, personality, and an individual's readiness for change. This is another indication that the organizational leadership should not over look the lower echelon worker's individual needs and concerns when implementing change.

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