Intent: Realign your Life with Seven Natural Laws di Alakh Niranjan edito da HARPERCOLLINS 360
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Intent: Realign your Life with Seven Natural Laws





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Descrizione Intent: Realign your Life with Seven Natural Laws

Man-made laws and beliefs have taken a nosedive. Our thinking process has turned chaotic, which is drifting us away from our instinctive exuberance. Man is moving away from nature.Have you seen two pigeons smiling and posing for a photo-op with a wedding garland? Perhaps not. It's natural to be in loving relationships. It's unnatural to get entangled in the rituals of marriage. It is natural to eat healthy raw food, whereas it is unnatural to feed upon corpses. It's great to feel the universal energy of creation while its futile to be hysterical about religion.Intent will help you learn how to reboot your mind and realign yourself with the intent of divine intelligence. It provides insights and methodologies to heal and transform the central facets of your life, be it health, mind, relationship, money or spirituality. It shows how natural laws can help us lead a gratifying life.Are you seeking peace, joy and abundance? Then this investigation is just for you. Diving deeper into the enigma of life and death, it echoes the wisdom to resonate with spiritual magnificence.

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