Intelligent Wavelet Based Techniques for Advanced Multimedia Applications di Rajiv Singh, Mohamed Elhoseny, Amit Kumar Singh, Swati Nigam edito da Springer International Publishing
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Intelligent Wavelet Based Techniques for Advanced Multimedia Applications





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This book contains high-quality research articles and reviews that promote research and reflect the most recent advances in intelligent wavelet based techniques for advanced multimedia applications as well as other emerging areas. In recent time, wavelet transforms have become useful in many signal, image and video processing applications, especially for multimedia security and surveillance. A few applications of wavelets in security and surveillance are watermarking, fusion, steganography, object detection, tracking, motion recognition and intention recognition, etc. Wavelets are well capable of analyzing signal, image and video at different resolution levels, popularly known as multiresolution analysis. The multiresolution analysis is advantageous in multimedia security and surveillance applications. It provides flexibility in selection of different resolution levels that leads to better accuracy. Furthermore, recently sparse representation has become an advancement to analyze wavelet coefficients. It is observed that wavelet transforms possess the invariance property which makes them suitable for many vision applications. This book provides a concise overview of the current state of the art and disseminates some of the novel and exciting ideas and techniques. In addition, it is also helpful for the senior undergraduate and graduate students, researcher, academicians, IT professional and providers, citizens, customers as well as policy makers working in this area as well as other emerging applications demanding state-of-the-art wavelet based multimedia applications.

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