Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US di Christopher Moran edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US

Historiography since 1945





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Descrizione Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US

'A fascinating collection of perspectives that chronicles the development of intelligence studies during the past 30 years from a "missing dimension" of modern history to a mature discipline fully able to hold its own with its scholarly forbears.' David Robarge, CIA Chief Historian. Explores the history of publications that have shed light on the 'secret world' of intelligence and espionage Intelligence Studies gained prominence in the 1970s - when the secrets of Bletchley Park were revealed and the CIA was publicly chastised for 'dirty tricks' - and is now one of the most dynamic sub-disciplines within Diplomatic History and International Relations. Yet those studying intelligence seldom pause to reflect upon the historiography of their chosen subject. They are preoccupied with doing Intelligence Studies, rather than reflecting on how it is done and has been done in the past. This problem is addressed here, through an exploration of the literature of intelligence - a disparate, yet fast-evolving body of work that places investigative journalists alongside academics, official historians and former 'insiders'. Key Features - Cutting-edge contributions from 16 leading experts including Keith Jeffery, Matthew Jones, Richard J. Aldrich and Chapman Pincher - Wide-ranging, it represents an original investigation of developments and trends in Intelligence Studies in both the US and the UK - Incorporates broad overviews and more in-depth explorations of specific 'spy books' alongside the exploration of the popular culture of intelligence - Presents a benchmark publication with significance both for current and future research Christopher R. Moran is an Assistant Professor of US National Security in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick. He is the author of Classified: Secrecy and the State in Modern Britain (2012). Christopher J. Murphy is a Lecturer in Intelligence Studies in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences at the University of Salford, and Programme Leader for the MA in Intelligence and Security Studies. He is the author of Security and Special Operations: SOE and MI5 during the Second World War (2006). Cover image: (c) David Sutherland/Getty Images. Cover design: [EUP logo]

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