Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management edito da Springer International Publishing
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Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management





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Descrizione Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management

This book provides a framework for integrating information management in supply chains. Current trends in business practice have made it necessary to explore the potential held by information integration with regard to environmental aspects. Information flow integration provides an opportunity to focus on the creation of a more ¿green¿ supply chain. However, it is currently difficult to identify the impact of information integration on greening a supply chain in a wide range of practical applications. Accordingly, this book focuses on the potential value of information integration solutions in terms of greening supply chain management. It covers the following major topics: Application of information flow standards in the supply chain Information systems and technological solutions for integrating information flows in supply chains The Internet of Things and the industry 4.0 concept, with regard to the integration ofsupply chains Modeling and simulation of logistics processes Decision-making tools enabling the greening of supply chains

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