Integrating Soa and Web Services di N. Sudha Bhuvaneswari, S. Sujatha edito da River Publishers
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Integrating Soa and Web Services





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This book highlights how to integrate and realize Service Oriented Architecture with web services which is one of the emerging technologies in IT. It also focuses on the latest technologies, such as Metadata Management, Security issues, Quality of Service and its commercialization. A chapter is also devoted to the study of Emerging standards and development tools for Enterprise Application Integration. Most enterprises have made extensive investments in system resources over the course of many years. Such enterprises have an enormous amount of data stored in legacy enterprise information systems (EIS), so it is not practical to discard existing systems. It is more cost-effective to evolve and enhance EIS. This could be done with the help of SOA realizing with web services, which is an emerging field in Information technology. SOA is usually realized through web services. Web services specifications may add to the confusion of how to best to utilize SOA to solve business problems. In order for a smooth transition to SOA, using an architectural style that helps in realizing web services through SOA. The book concentrates on this architecture, realization and integration of SOA with web services. It consists of 12 chapters and is recommended for all postgraduate Computer Science Students.

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