Insurance Law Deal Strategies: Leading Lawyers on Analyzing Insurance Claims, Negotiating Settlements, and Maximizing the Value of the Attorney edito da Aspatore Books

Insurance Law Deal Strategies: Leading Lawyers on Analyzing Insurance Claims, Negotiating Settlements, and Maximizing the Value of the Attorney





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Descrizione Insurance Law Deal Strategies: Leading Lawyers on Analyzing Insurance Claims, Negotiating Settlements, and Maximizing the Value of the Attorney

Insurance Law Deal Strategies is an authoritative, insiders perspective on successfully analyzing and negotiating insurance disputes. Featuring partners and chairs from some of the nations leading law firms, these experts discuss strategies for protecting ones client and understanding the design, negotiation, and implementation of insurance deals. From analyzing important laws to evaluating the current trends, these experts offer key strategies for structuring deals, preparing negotiations, and determining settlement versus litigation. The different niches represented and the breadth of perspectives presented enable readers to get inside some of the great legal minds of today as these experienced lawyers offer up their thoughts around the keys to success within this dynamic field.

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