Inspirations in reflection and creativeness di Justyna Humiecka-Jakubowska edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Inspirations in reflection and creativeness

Karlheinz Stockhausen - György Ligeti - Luigi Nono - Luciano Berio - Iannis Xenakis





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Descrizione Inspirations in reflection and creativeness

Music of the twentieth century, paints a vast panorama of phenomena that ¿ in general ¿ are primarily associated with innovation. The musical work of this century goes beyond the conventions of the system, workshop and aesthetic of past eras, thereby discovering new areas of musical expression. The composer¿s psychological traits and ¿ broadly taken ¿ the surrounding reality (the people, things, processes, phenomena, the situations he or she gets familiar with and must react to) determine the artist¿s cognitive capacities thus shaping his specific way of thinking. The two factors that influenced the composers¿ approach were ¿the free play of imagination¿ ¿ directly related to the artist¿s intuition and the musical scientism that were to characterize the creative process. And also the two factors seemed to have shaped the specific approach of title group of composers to music: music was the pure flow (of sound, of time, of the spirit and of musical events). The book is an attempt to identify the various inspirations expressed in reflection and musical works of a select group of composers.

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