Inside the Combat Zone: The Stripped Down Story of Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood di Stephanie Schorow edito da UNION PARK PR
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Inside the Combat Zone: The Stripped Down Story of Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood

The Stripped Down Story of Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood





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Descrizione Inside the Combat Zone: The Stripped Down Story of Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood

Boston has always been known for its stiff character. So how did this great New England city become home to one of the largest and most notorious adult entertainment districts in the nation? In this expertly crafted history, veteran reporter Stephanie Schorow teases out the issues that created this controversial neighborhood, giving voice to the players who sought to tame or profit from the sleaze snaking its way through Boston. At turns comic and tragic, Schorow introduces us to the politicians, exotic dancers, and wise guys, and residents brought together by the adult entertainment district-a five-acre neighborhood the city engineered to contain the very porno plague it wanted to eliminate. (Meet the nun-turned-attorney who advocated for the First Amendment rights of adult bookstores, a dancer called "the thinking man's stripper," and Boston's unofficial city censor.) For these people and thousands of others, the Combat Zone is more than a memory-it was a life-altering adventure.

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