Insatiable di Heather Hunter edito da St. Martins Press-3PL
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The Rise Of A Porn Star





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Descrizione Insatiable

From one of the top names in the adult entertainment industry comes a scorchingly hot tale inspired by Heather Hunter's own emergence into the porn world.In a rare glimpse at the real life of a porn star, Heather Hunter shares a fictional account inspired by her own emergence in the adult film industry with the story of Simone Young. Simone is dying to become a star but her mother thinks if she's old enough to stay out all night partying, then she's old enough to get a real job. And that is exactly what Simone does, only she finds work in a world that changes her life forever. When Simone's best friend Carmen introduces her to the game of sex work, she embarks on a path she could have never imagined. Heather Hunter's Insatiable is sizzling hot erotica. This smoking package includes stunning full page pictures of Heather at the beginning of each chapter.

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€ 20.51
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