"Inner Whispers": Messages From A Spirit Guide: Volume III: Messages From A Spirit Guide di Allen Crawford, April Crawford edito da CONNECTING WAVE
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"Inner Whispers": Messages From A Spirit Guide: Volume III: Messages From A Spirit Guide





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Descrizione "Inner Whispers": Messages From A Spirit Guide: Volume III: Messages From A Spirit Guide

This is the third volume of "Inner Whispers": Direct Messages from a highly evolved nonphysical entity and spirit guide we call "VERONICA".VERONICA speaks and writes via an internationally known full body open deep trance channel named April Crawford.This is a stand-alone Volume. You do not need to own Volumes I or II to connect and completely enjoy these messages.A DIRECT MESSAGE TO YOU FROM VERONICA ABOUT THIS BOOK: "We continue our commitment to the expansion of your soul. Know that the whispers are within you, as well as in the pages of this book. There is an eternal perspective that will always seek the presence of your energy. Never doubt the willingness of spirit to reach out, whether needed or not. Trust yourself. Your journey continues toward the connection with your soul. Our hope is that the linear words on these pages will bring comfort to all." -VERONICAFor VERONICA's free spiritual/metaphysical newsletter, try www.InnerWhispers.netFor information about April Crawford, or more about VERONICA including free video sessions, try www.AprilCrawford.com

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