The Inner Life - volume I di Charles Webster Leadbeater edito da Aziloth Books
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The Inner Life - volume I





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Descrizione The Inner Life - volume I

Charles Webster Leadbeater is regarded as one of the most important of the twentieth century's writers on Theosophy. A competent seer and teacher, the series of lectures which comprise Volumes I and II were given to students in the early 1900s, during evening 'talks' at the Theosophical Headquarters at Adyar in India. 'The Inner Life' Volume I gives the Theosophical perspective on a vast swathe of esoteric subjects, from Ascended Masters to The Devil, and from the world's major religions through Kundalini and Meditation to Our Duty To Animals. Leadbeater's descriptions expand and elaborate on the ancient tradition that has been an occult heritage of Humankind since before the dawn of history - much of which is now being verified by scientific data from both quantum- and bio-physics. A fascinating compendium of esoteric knowledge that no student of the occult should be without.

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