Inner And Outer Landscapes di Selma Lea Bach edito da Olympia Publishers
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Inner And Outer Landscapes





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Descrizione Inner And Outer Landscapes

Alanna has always lived a modest but happy life in Denmark with her mother - but she has always sensed that something was missing. Alanna has always yearned to know more about herself, the father she never met, and her heritage; so, embarking on a journey of self-discovery, she heads to her father's homeland of Egypt. Navigating the busy streets of Cairo, discovering the beauty of the coast, and witnessing the fierce, majestic power of the desert, this story documents Alanna's deeply personal relationship with the country she has never known but always longed for, and the treasures it rewards her. All Alanna wants is to feel closer to her parents and her roots - but as she meets new people and forms unexpected relationships, her voyage plunges her into bigger adventures, life-changing epiphanies, and shows her a whole new way of living life.

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