Initialization: Family Perils di Sean Barber edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Initialization: Family Perils



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Descrizione Initialization: Family Perils

Initialization: Family Perils, a side story for the Paths of Power Initialization trilogy. John Baker needs to get to his family. There's just one problem - he was driving a big rig when a monster-filled apocalypse came to Earth. The System that treats the entire world like it's a game, Initialized and ended the world as we know it. Not knowing whether her husband is alive or dead, Rose Struggles to fight through many dangers, making allies and hard choices just to hold down the fort and survive. While monsters rampage through the burning city, can this fledgling mage muster enough power and wits to level up, protect her stepson, and survive the end of the world, even as most of humanity dies?

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