Information Technology in Pharmacy di Stephen Goundrey-Smith edito da Springer London
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Information Technology in Pharmacy

An Integrated Approach





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Descrizione Information Technology in Pharmacy

IT in Pharmacy: An Integrated Approach aims to describe and discuss the major areas of pharmacy IT innovation (e-prescribing, drug databases, electronic patient records, clinical decision support, pharmacy management systems, robots and automation etc) from a systems and a professional perspective. It will also consider how the areas of pharmacy IT link together and can be used to enable and develop pharmacy professional practice. The book will examine pharmacy IT from an international perspective, taking into account all parts of the world where IT systems are used in pharmacy practice ¿ namely ¿ North America, the UK, Western Europe and Australia ¿ and will compare pharmacy IT in the different regions. This book is from the author of Principles of Electronic Prescribing (Springer, 2008)

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