Information Literacy di Michael B. Eisenberg, Carrie A. Lowe, Kathleen L. Spitzer edito da Libraries Unlimited
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Information Literacy

Essential Skills for the Information Age Second Edition





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Descrizione Information Literacy

This is the definitive work on information literacy. Michael Eisenberg, known worldwide as one of the originators of the innovative Big6 Information Problem Solving Process, and frequent presenters on the subject Carrie A. Lowe and Kathleen L. Spitzer have extensively revised and updated the original book for this long-awaited second edition. Tracing the history of information literacy, the authors discuss its economic importance; examine past, present, and current research in the field; and explain how information literacy relates to the national standards transforming K-12 education and higher education today. The authors also look at examples of information literacy in several different contexts, underscoring both its importance and pervasiveness in our society. Learning to be critical and savvy consumers of information is necessary in today's world. This book provides both the theoretical background and practical guidelines to confidently impart these essential skills to your students.

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