Information, fractal, Percolation And Geo-environmental Complexities di Uttam Ghosh, Dilip Kumar Khan edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Information, fractal, Percolation And Geo-environmental Complexities





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Descrizione Information, fractal, Percolation And Geo-environmental Complexities

Earth surface features which occupy a major place among the concept related to our environment are often thought of in terms of patches and their characteristics. Pattern developments on spatial domain by occurrences of patches on landscapes are basically related to physical processes. Patch descriptors, viz. shape, degree of isolation, accessibility, interaction and dispersion refers to spatial relationship defined by location. These describe the elements of the landscape and need to be analyzed. The heterogeneous surface features represent dynamic character of the landscape and allows us to develop hypothesis that can be tested in diversity of systems and at many scales. The relationship among processes and scale need more study to understand the factors for pattern development and the environmental effects of changing pattern on processes.

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