The Influential Author di Gregory V. Diehl edito da Identity Publications
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The Influential Author

How and Why to Write, Publish, and Sell Nonfiction Books that Matter





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Descrizione The Influential Author

An empowering guide for passionate writers, The Influential Author takes a holistic, grounded, and intellectual approach to nonfiction self-publishing. Ignore the hype and overblown promises about a quick and easy path to becoming an author. This extensively revised second edition of a consistent bestseller expertly dissects the intricacies of planning, writing, editing, publishing, and promoting your book, ensuring that your work meets, and even exceeds, the standards set by traditional publishing. Immerse yourself in wisdom born from firsthand experience, including case studies of 16 self-published non-fiction titles that show you how to: · Select the most compelling idea to turn into a book from many possibilities in your head. · Organize your knowledge into structured sections, chapters, and subheadings for seamless flow and comprehension. · Master editing and refinement through feedback from editors, proofreaders, beta-readers, and tactical market testing. · Craft a captivating title, description, and cover design that capture your message and incite interest from ideal readers. · Price and promote each format of your book, be it digital, paperback, hardcover, or audiobook narration. · Embrace the lifelong rewards of passive income, influence, and other forms of success from your book's enduring popularity. Writing and publishing a book can be a life-changing experience, but only if you know how to make the right people take your message seriously. The Influential Author is an indispensable companion to usher you onto the path of having your words make a meaningful impact.

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