The Influence of Burnout on Service Delivery of Teachers di Gladwel Ng'ang'a, Naftal Nyang'ara, Maina Kariba edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Influence of Burnout on Service Delivery of Teachers

A Case of Selected Medical Training Colleges in Kenya (KMTC)





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Descrizione The Influence of Burnout on Service Delivery of Teachers

ABSTRACT Burnout is form of work-related strain as result of accumulation of work-related stress. Worker¿s energy is depleted, leaving him/her without the resources to perform work. Burnout has negative impact on employees¿ performance causing concern among employees and employers. Current study sought to assess its influence on service delivery among teachers of medical training colleges in Kenya. Study adopted cross-section survey design. Target population was 110 teaching staff from Nakuru, Thika and Murang¿a colleges. Sample comprised 100 teachers of medical training colleges. Simple random sampling techniques were used in selecting representative sample. Data collected was cleaned, coded and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Descriptive statistics were in form of frequencies and percentages. Findings revealed high levels of burnout among teaching staff of selected Kenya medical training colleges. Study recommended interventions be put in place to reduce burnout among teaching staff. It recommended management to employ more teachers to balance ratio of teacher to students, improve sports facilities and open counseling centres for staff counselling.

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