Industrial Aviation Management di Martin Hinsch edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Industrial Aviation Management

A Primer in European Design, Production and Maintenance Organisations





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Descrizione Industrial Aviation Management

This book outlines the structure and activities of companies in the European aviation industry. The focus is on the design, production and maintenance of components, assemblies, engines and the aircraft itself. In contrast to other industries, the technical aviation industry is subject to many specifics, since its activities are highly regulated by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the National Aviation Authorities and by the aviation industry standard EN 9100. These regulations can influence the companies¿ organization, personnel qualification, quality management systems, as well as the provision of products and services. This book gives the reader a deeper, up-to-date insight into today's quality and safety requirements for the modern aviation industry. Aviation-specific interfaces and procedures are looked at from both the aviation legislation standpoint as well as from a practical operational perspective.

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