The Indigo Story di Shelley Vishwajeet edito da Rupa Publications
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The Indigo Story

Inside The Upstart That Redefined Indian Aviation





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Descrizione The Indigo Story

The IndiGo Story is a fascinating analysis of the manner in which an unknown entity entered the perilous Indian sky and became its undisputed leader both in terms of market share and profitability. Lucidly written and sharply argued, this book highlights the company's formative years as a fearless start-up and its evolution into one of India's most game-changing, profitable brands. Going into great detail and with a deep understanding of the airline industry, the author uncovers little-known facts about how the airline displaced old players and new competitors, and proved the doomsday predictors wrong in double-quick time. So what was the magic IndiGo wielded? What was the secret mantra of their success? How did they get it right when most failed or struggled? Uncover all this and much more in this captivating book.

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