The Indian Vegan Kitchen: More Than 150 Quick and Healthy Homestyle Recipes di Madhu Gadia edito da PERIGEE BOOKS
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The Indian Vegan Kitchen: More Than 150 Quick and Healthy Homestyle Recipes

More Than 150 Quick And Healthy Homestyle Recipes





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Descrizione The Indian Vegan Kitchen: More Than 150 Quick and Healthy Homestyle Recipes

The author of New Indian Home Cooking presents a fresh take on Indian recipes for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone who loves Southeast Asian cuisine. Renowned nutritionist and cooking instructor Madhu Gadia delivers a wonderful new recipe collection that is perfect for vegans looking for fresh ideas, as well as anyone who savors healthy, light recipes that don?t compromise on authenticity. Unlike most Indian vegetarian cookbooks, this unique collection avoids dairy and eggs, highlighting vegetables, and making use of soy products and other simple substitutions. It also offers nutritional analyses, as well as notes on serving, history, and variations.

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