The Inclusive Speaker: How to Truly Connect With All of Your Audience Without Leaving Anyone Behind di Denis Boudreau edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Inclusive Speaker: How to Truly Connect With All of Your Audience Without Leaving Anyone Behind

How to Truly Connect With All of Your Audience Without Leaving Anyone Behind





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Descrizione The Inclusive Speaker: How to Truly Connect With All of Your Audience Without Leaving Anyone Behind

As a professional speaker or communication professional, are you truly as inclusive as you think you are? Every year, communication professionals inadvertently shut the door in the face of hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities and elderly folks, adding to the stigma of exclusion, and leaving millions of dollars of potential revenue on the table in the process. This disconnect leaves people behind, broadens the digital divide, causes irreparable damage to individuals and brands, directly impacts the bottom lines of organizations, and contributes to the degradation of our social fabric. This is a huge societal problem, and this book means to help fix that. Through this book, author Denis Boudreau, a 22+ year web accessibility and digital equality veteran, shares his perspectives on systemic exclusion as being one of the greatest communication threats to face businesses today, and how brands can be more successful, simply by doing the right thing by their audience and empowering them to truly connect.

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