The Incan City: A Tess Neubauer Adventure di Evva Diprinzio edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Incan City: A Tess Neubauer Adventure

A Tess Neubauer Adventure



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Descrizione The Incan City: A Tess Neubauer Adventure

Surviving the jungle will be easy.Surviving each other won't be. Hired as a gardener for the sprawling Neubauer estate, Tom Hartigan thinks his days of adventure are over. But when the Neubauer's willful daughter Tess, leaves without explanation, it falls on Tom to find her. The task was easy enough . . . until he wakes up in handcuffs, bound for South America. It's 1912, and while society (and her mother) expect only polite manners and a good marriage from her, Tess has other ambitions. Convinced she knows the location of a lost city, she's determined to find it. If she can, she might be able to secure her greatest ambition: to be the first woman admitted to the Royal Geographic Society. Armed with a map, compass, and several pounds of coffee, it'll take more than one surly Irish gardener to stop her. Penniless and far from home, Tom is now stuck with this defiant heiress. Worse, she refuses to fight fair. He reluctantly agrees to help. But keeping a girl who is as clumsy as she is unusual safe might be more than he can manage. They could make the discovery of a lifetime, if they can just survive each other.

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