Inalienable Rights versus Abuse di R. Q. Public edito da iUniverse
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Inalienable Rights versus Abuse

A Commonsense Approach to Public Policy







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Descrizione Inalienable Rights versus Abuse

The theme of this book is simple. Everyone is created equal and is born with the rights to live freely and healthfully, to pursue happiness, and to access the common good. Everyone deserves the opportunities to experience these rights. To abuse (mistreat, deceive, violently injure) other people is to violate those rights. No person deserves to be abused. I spent four years formulating plans for and researching the necessity and practicality of integrating this idea into American public policy. Inalienable Rights versus Abuse is the product of that effort. Inalienable Rights versus Abuse exposes the darker side of America in which dwell the bullies, the deceivers, the indifferent hurters, the rights violators. Abusers come in all colors, genders, socio-economic levels, geographic locations, group affiliations, and so forth. This book explains how extensive abuse is in America, why it is a problem, how to recognize abusers, and what the reader can do about them. This book is for those who care enough to improve life in America for everyone. Americans are divided over a number of issues. On one side are those who believe all American citizens deserve opportunities to experience their individual inalienable rights. On the other side are those who support the deprivation of rights opportunities for millions of us. Inalienable Rights versus Abuse explains on which side each of is in relation to a variety of national concerns.

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