Improving Educational Management through Good Governance di Israr Ahmed edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Improving Educational Management through Good Governance





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Descrizione Improving Educational Management through Good Governance

The study investigated dimensions of good governance in order to improve higher educational management in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The purpose of higher education is to promote the economic, social, political and cultural life of a nation. The rapid economic, industrial and agricultural advancement of the developed nations is the outcome of their higher education institutions. Unlike its regional counterparts, the developmental indicators of Pakistan have not demonstrated positive results since its inception. Considering higher education to be the most important sector in development, the study was found significant and needed as research was scarce in this area. The objectives of the study included review of relevant literature and a description of different traditions, a search for best practices and identification of new dimensions for improvement of good governance of universities. The population of the study included all heads of institutions, teachers, administrators, planners, examination experts, and students of higher education in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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