Impact Of Language Maturation On Performance Of Pre-school Children di Joseph Kimani Wakahiu, Maina Kariba edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Impact Of Language Maturation On Performance Of Pre-school Children

A Case of Academic Performance of E.C.D.E. Centres in Milangine District, Nyandarua County- Kenya





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Descrizione Impact Of Language Maturation On Performance Of Pre-school Children

The impact of language maturation on performance of pre-school children has been a subject of concern not only to teachers and other child educators but also to parents and other child care takers. This study aimed at examining impact of language maturation on performance of pre-school children. Level of pre-school had been chosen because it was the time children were just beginning to expand their vocabulary in order to readily assimilate a variety of new concepts in order to enhance communication between themselves and their seniors including parents. The study used the survey design. Two questionnaires developed by the researcher were used. Purposive and simple random sampling was used in selection of schools and children to participate in the study. Data was analyzed by computer software (S.P.S.S. 12.1 for Windows). Descriptive statistics were used to display results appropriately.

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