Immortal Beaver edito da Topics Entertainment

Immortal Beaver





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Descrizione Immortal Beaver

Follow the amazing rescue of a fearless de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver in this captivating documentary shot in high definition. Watch as "Olivia," a weather beaten shell of an airplane that sat forgotten for decades in the dusty Arizona desert, is restored and returned to the air. The Immortal Beaver celebrates the history of a tough, versatile plane that changed Canadian aviation with its abilities to fly deeper and deeper into the remote northern frontier. The story swings from the barren desert to frigid Alaska and features rarely seen historical footage from the de Havilland archives. Plus, hear from Ross Bannock, a Canadian war hero and test pilot for the prototype Beaver, and enthusiasts, including Hollywood superstar Harrison Ford, a proud owner of a trusty DHC-2.

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