Image Receptors in Radiography di Mamta Malik, Sanjeev Laller, Ashok L edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Image Receptors in Radiography





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With the advent of the digital computer and the subsequent development of powerful and cost-effective microcomputers, the possibility of replacing conventional films as a photon detector took a big leap forward. The introduction of digital imaging has revolutionized the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. In this new imaging modality, the radiographic film is replaced by a sensor. The signal temporarily stored within the sensors is transferred to the computer, which displays the image that can be interpreted, manipulated, quantified and stored. Dose reduction often has been emphasized as one of the biggest advantages of digital radiography followed by computer aided image interpretation and image enhancement in addition to the obvious options of standardized image activity and image retrieval. The Digital Imaging proves to be environmental friendly as no processing chemicals are required. Moreover, the working time from image exposure to display is reduced considerably. Further developments and researches are being made in the field of these digital imaging receptor systems. In a decade or two, these digital imaging systems can entirely replace two dimensional analog films.

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