If you only walk long enough Exploring the Pyrenees di Steve Cracknell edito da Lulu.com
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If you only walk long enough Exploring the Pyrenees







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Descrizione If you only walk long enough Exploring the Pyrenees

Revised edition, with 30 photos. In a sweeping panorama which takes in everything from hot pepper ice cream and slug sex to the legacy of the Romantic Movement and the future of the European brown bear, this book is a fascinating portrait of the French Pyrenees as they move into the 21st century. It is also the story of a solitary walker and a long-distance footpath, the Pyrenean Way (GR10). When he set out from the Atlantic coast, Steve Cracknell thought he was heading for the Mediterranean on a trail which ambled through the foothills. He ended up with crampons and ice axe, crossing glaciers to tackle the highest peaks of the range. In a book which is by turns amusing and thoughtful he treads lightly across the landscape, concluding that the Pyrenees are changing rapidly. Now is the time to discover them. Reviews of the first edition: 'A very humorous tale of adventure.' The French Paper Book of the Month February 2010. 'A superb and unique addition to books about the Pyrenees.' Strider Magazine.

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