The Ideology of Tyranny di G. Preparata edito da Palgrave Macmillan US
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The Ideology of Tyranny

Bataille, Foucault, and the Postmodern Corruption of Political Dissent





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Descrizione The Ideology of Tyranny

"The Ideology of Tyranny" traces the contemporary jargon of political correctness and the so-called 'politics of diversity' so prevalent in the academic and administrative discourse of the United States to the fantastic sociology of an obscure French pornographer, Georges Bataille (1897-1962). The celebration of violence sung in his works, re-elaborated in abstract form by the late followers of Bataille, has led to the creation of a peculiar talk emphasizing difference, antagonism, intellectual despair, and a profound political conservatism. As the so-called Left has lately come to adopt this troubling gospel of divisiveness, the consequence for a wholesome culture of dissent in our society have been a disastrous paralysis of its critical and moral faculties in the face of a new dawn of never-ending wars.

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