ICT and Language Learning di Angela Chambers edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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ICT and Language Learning

Integrating Pedagogy and Practice





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Descrizione ICT and Language Learning

Experts and researchers in the field of ICT and language learning are increasingly emphasising that, once a new form of technology has become available, the starting point of research projects should not be the innovation itself but rather its role in the language learning process. This book is aimed at researchers and practitioners in the area of Information and Communications Technologies and language learning who want to integrate research and practice in this emerging field. The book deals with current developments in Europe, with the majority of the chapters focusing on the results of collaborative international projects. It includes two chapters on the place of ICT and language learning in the context of higher education and research in Europe, as well as studies on current developments in areas such as authoring tools, Human Language Technologies, corpora and concordancing, video-conferencing, e-mail tandem networks and the role of the Internet in language learning and teaching.

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