ICT and Information Provision in Scientific and Research Institutions di Lucy Payne Dzandu edito da VDM Verlag
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ICT and Information Provision in Scientific and Research Institutions


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione ICT and Information Provision in Scientific and Research Institutions

About a decade ago, most library functions such as acquisitions, cataloguing, and user-services were performed manually. In the present era, however, considering the large amounts of information available in print, electronic, and other formats, it has become extremely difficult to provide effective and efficient library services using only manual methods. This has resulted in a paradigm shift - from traditional to digital libraries. The emphasis has shifted from collection of books to easy access to information. ICTs are now used to perform library functions. Thus, there is the need for awareness creation among users; training and skills to enhance ICT use; and management of ICT infrastructure. This book, therefore, examined the impact of ICT on information provision in CSIR, Ghana. The work revealed that the levels of awareness, access to, and use of ICT were very high. It further showed that training, and the levels of skills acquired in the use of ICT were generally high. The work also revealed that the use of ICTs enhanced work performance and impacted positively on research activities. This book will be useful to information professionals, researchers, and policy makers.

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