Humankind: A New History di Rutger Bregman edito da LITTLE BROWN & CO
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Humankind: A New History

A Hopeful History





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"If there is one belief that has united the left and the right, psychologists and philosophers, ancient thinkers and modern ones, it is the tacit assumption that humans are bad. It's a notion that drives newspaper headlines and guides the laws that shape our lives. From Machiavelli to Hobbes, Freud to Pinker, the roots of this belief have sunk deep into Western thought beings, we're taught, are by nature selfish and governed primarily by self-interest. But what if it isn't true? ... Rutger Bregman provides [a] new perspective on the past 200,000 years of human history, setting out to prove that we are hardwired for kindness, geared toward cooperation rather than competition, and more inclined to trust rather than distrust one another"--

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