Humanity Before God di Michael Johnson, Kevin Jung, William Schweiker edito da Augsburg Fortress
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Humanity Before God

Contemporary Faces of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Ethics





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Does religious extremism represent an inevitable consequence of firmly held beliefs in life-and-death situations? Is there a way out? Gathering ethicists and scholars from the three major and often conflicting monotheistic traditions, each was asked to correlate a religious tradition's sacred texts and tradition with the contemporary world's pluralism and claims about the inalienable sanctity and dignity of human life. The result is that the reader sees "human life before God" in new and profound ways. Contributors include: Hilary Putnam Abdulaziz Sachedina Lisa Sowle Cahill Michael Fishbane William Schweiker Tikva Frymer-Kensky Michael A. Johnson Paul Mendes-Flohr Kevin Jung Lawrence Vogel Azizah al-Hibri David Little Kohn Kelsay Seyyed Hossein Nasr

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