A Human Menagerie di Rob Kleinsteuber edito da Outskirts Press
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A Human Menagerie

Triumphs, Tragedies, And Cautionary Tales In Verse





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Descrizione A Human Menagerie

Walk through the gates of A Human Menagerie and begin a tour of humanity that is sometimes comic, sometimes sad, but always illuminating. The subjects and treatment are highly contemporary, but the human nature they describe is universal. You may recognize a neighbor, a co-worker, or even a little of yourself. The poems and illustrations in this collection are the result of many years of keen observation of "freckled human nature," to use Emily Dickinson's phrase. The author's eye is unblinking but his tone is often wry, and he is sympathetic to the characters he portrays. The essence of the poems - comic, ironic, and humane -is captured by illustrations that reflect a mastery and economy of line, in the tradition of Beardsley and Tenniel. The author demonstrates a remarkable mastery of versification, characterization, and good storytelling, often with an unexpected punch at the end. James Thurber, Ogden Nash, and Edward Gorey come to mind, but the author's voice and style are fresh and unique.

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