The Human Event; or, The Origin of the Human Species; or, The Chimp and the Double Chromosome: The Chromosomal Fusion Ev di Man Running Free edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Human Event; or, The Origin of the Human Species; or, The Chimp and the Double Chromosome: The Chromosomal Fusion Ev

The Chromosomal Fusion Event That Separated Us From Other Apes





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Descrizione The Human Event; or, The Origin of the Human Species; or, The Chimp and the Double Chromosome: The Chromosomal Fusion Ev

Human chromosome 2 was formed in a single chimp by a fusion of chimpanzee chromosomes 2A and 2B. The progeny of this chimp had 46-chromosomes, and could not breed with the rest of the 48-chromosome chimps. As a result, the two evolved separately. The 46-chromosome family became humans, and the 48-chromosome chimps became chimpanzees and bonobos.

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