Human Dignity in the Wake Of HIV/AIDS di Victor Shikaputo edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Human Dignity in the Wake Of HIV/AIDS

A Moral Theological Analysis in Zambia





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Descrizione Human Dignity in the Wake Of HIV/AIDS

The dignity of the human being, of every person, of any person ¿ male or female, young or old comes from God and depends on God by creation in His image and likeness. Every human being has an inalienable value regardless of whatever circumstances. There is a God-given value, an ontological one in every person that cannot be taken away. This value goes beyond birth on one side of life and beyond death on the other. The advent HIV/AIDS on the Zambian scene and worldwide has generated many challenges regarding the dignity of the infected or affected person. Many people are stigmatized and discriminated against. The disease has brought untold miseries to many people and has disturbed traditional family structures. The effects go beyond the individual and societal to the global sphere. There are many deaths as a result of AIDS related illnesses affecting the economic, health and other sectors of life and raising poverty levels. AIDS has resulted in many orphans and street kids. The whole society has been upset since the dawn of AIDS. Nonetheless human dignity and human rights must be respected in the fight against HIV/AIDS because of the sanctity of life.

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