HTML5 Cheat code for beginners di David Jonathan edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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HTML5 Cheat code for beginners





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Descrizione HTML5 Cheat code for beginners

A thorough introduction to web programming, "HTML5 Cheat Code for Beginners" focuses on HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Beginning with the fundamentals of HTML, it moves on to text formatting and multimedia integration, giving users useful skills to improve webpages. To ensure that websites are accessible to all users, the book highlights the value of SEO and online accessibility in addition to responsive design with CSS and interactive features with JavaScript. It explores the debugging capabilities of browser developer tools, performance optimization to improve user experience, and version control with Git, which encourages teamwork in development. Deployment procedures round out the guide, enabling novices to publish their web works. This book is an essential resource for beginners who want to learn modern web development and launch their webpages successfully, as it provides clear explanations and useful examples.

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