How Today's Rich Give: What You Need to Know to Raise a Lot More Money from Wealthy Donors di Harvey McKinnon edito da Jossey-Bass

How Today's Rich Give: What You Need to Know to Raise a Lot More Money from Wealthy Donors







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Descrizione How Today's Rich Give: What You Need to Know to Raise a Lot More Money from Wealthy Donors

Do you know where you should be concentrating your fundraising efforts for maximum results?Millionaires now represent somewhere between 6 - 7.5% of the overall population. "How Today's Rich Give" provides practical ideas on how to identify and approach the new millionaires, how to speak their language, and what challenges fundraisers may encounter in approaching them. An accompanying slide presentation helps listeners apply these insights within their own development programs, offering fundraisers both new insights about their existing donor bases and solid, tested methods for expanding their prospecting to promising new arenas.[cdrom included] A seminar in a box! Train your major donor staff!

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